Waiter, what's this worm doing in my sushi?임시폴더/60초영어공부 2020. 5. 11. 05:00
I am a big fan of sushi and ceviche, so I was alarmed to see the headline on
thea recent news release from the University of Washington, stating that sushi parasites have increased 283 fold in the past 40 years. But after digging into the research which came out of a MarineCollegeecology Lab run by Chelsea Wood at UW's Seattle campus, I learned that the rising abundance of marine worms, known asanesecentsanisakids, is actually less problematic for people than it is for whales and dolphins, which are the natural hosts infected by those parasites.Wood’s team did what’s known as a meta analysis. They collected data from 123 papers published over the past half century that estimated parasite abundance
andin various species at sites all over the world between 1967 and 2017. Their analysis, published last month in the journal Global Change Biology, found that since 1978 when less than one worm was seen in every one hundred host animals on average, the prevalence ofanesecontanisakid parasite infection has skyrocketed to the point that more than one worm is now typically seen in every host animal examined in 2015.AnesecentAnisakid worms grow in the guts of whiles, spread to krill through the whales' poop and then move up to the food chain to squid and small fish like anchovies then to big fish like salmon, tuna and halibut and finally to humans.In the US and most parts of Europe, fish and squid
s are brought, served raw first must be frozen to kill thenimitoesnematodes andralbeittheir larvae, which are big enough to see with a naked eye. And even if you are unlucky enough to eat liveanesecont and ralbayanisakid larvae in your sushi, ceviche orcrave rocksgravlax, you will probably be fine. The wormis rarely survive long in the human guts to causeaneseciasisanisakiasis, which typically involves abdominal pain and vomiting.The condition seems to be most common in Spain due to
Spainials’ fond ofSpaniards fondness for raw anchovies. Experts estimate there are roughly5,0008,000 cases a year in Spain that works out to about one illness for every ten thousand meals of raw fish eaten.Chelsea Wood says the findings haven’t put her
raw feet in fishoff eating sushi. Her concern is that the rising abundance ofanesecondsanisakids might be harming the dolphins and whales that these parasites evolved toandinfect and growin cycleinside for years. Shenoticednotes that there are millions of species of parasites in the ocean. And we know very little about which ones becoming more common. The epidemiology of the oceans is stillas anin its infancy.---
Voca: anisakid 고래회충 nematode 선충 larvae 유충 gravlax 소금과 여러가지 허브를 이용하여 저장한 연어 anisakiasis 고래회충증 epidemiology 역학, 전염병학
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