
  • Confusion helps us learn
    임시폴더/60초영어공부 2013. 8. 5. 12:24

    When we are confused by something, say with a movie plot or calculus. We tend to feel uncomfortable, frustrated. 

    ---> When we are confused by something, say with a movie plot or calculus, we tend to feel uncomfortable, frustrated. 

    But maybe we should embrace the confusion.

    Because a new study finds that confusion can lead to better learning.

    Scientists set up a situation where they purposedfully confused subjects during a pretend learning session. 

    ---> Scientists set up a situation where they purposely confused subjects during a pretend learning session.

    The subjects watched an enemy to tutorance student discussed possible flaws in a scientific study.

    ---> The subjects watched an animated tutor and student discuss possible flaws in a scientific study. 

    The researchers had the enemy to tudorance student disagree with each other on specific flaws.

    ---> The researchers had the animated tutor and student disagree with each other on specific flaws.  

    But the set-up are really confusing situation for one group of subjects, they also had to pretend tudurance student make incorrect or contradictory statements about the study.

    ---> But to set up a really confusing situation for one group of subjects they also had the pretend tutor and student make incorrect or contradictory statements about the study.

    Then the subjects had to decide which of the two opinions had more scientific miric.

    ---> Then the subjects had to decide which of the two opinions had more scientific merit.

    Subjects who were forced to deal with the incorrect and contradictory statements did significantly better on later tests where they had to spot flaws in studies.

    As opposed to those subjects who are only faced with disagreement between the enemies to tudorance students.

    ---> as opposed to those subjects who only faced the disagreements between the animated tutor and student. 

    The study will be published in the journal Learning and Instruction.

    Researchers note that confusion motivates us to work harder to understand and so we can a deeper and more comprehensible knowledge of subject.

    ---> Researchers note that confusion motivates us to work harder to understand, and so we gain a deeper and more comprehensive knowledge of a subject.

    출처: 60-second Mind 팟캐스트


