
  • Social status affects who we choose to believe
    임시폴더/60초영어공부 2013. 7. 29. 10:57

    This is Scientific American 60-second Mind.

    I'm Christie Nicholson. Got a minute?

    Mr.Gorbachof tear down this war.

    ---> Mr.Gorbachev tear down this wall.

    Sounds pretty powerful, right?

    You might believe it will actually happen, but What if this guy word the same thing?

    ---> You might believe it will actually happen. But what if this guy were to say the same thing.

    Mr.Gorbachof tare down that war.

    ---> Mr.Gorbachev tear down that wall.

    Hmm, it will not go so much.

    ---> Hmmm. Maybe not so much. 

    Because study finds that the social status of the speakers makes significant difference in how we interprets statements they make.

    ---> Because a study finds that the social status of a speaker makes a significant difference in how we interpret statements they make.

    Scientists shows participants clips of political statement that were either true or false made by a top politician, a news anker, or just driver the Joe.

    ---> Scientists showed participants clips of political statements, that were either true or false, made by a top politician, a news anchor or just your average joe. 

    Participants also watched another set of videos this time of the same people making true or false statements about general world information like Phidel Castro is a pop singer.

    ---> Participants also watched another set of videos, this time of the same people making true or false statements about general world information like, “Fidel Castro is a pop singer.”  

    The subjects are more likely to accept false news coming from the political figure, as opposed to the other speakers including the news anker.

    ---> The subjects were more likely to accept the false statement coming from the political figure as opposed to the other speakers (including the news anchor!) 

    However, participants did not accept any false world knowledge statements from any of the speakers. 

    Brain recording of the subjects reveals that their impressions of the speaker and what he or she says happens very fast within 150 to 450 miliseconds which is within the average people reflect times for humans.

    ---> Brain recordings of the subjects reveal that their impressions of the speaker and what he or she says, happens fast, within 150-450 milliseconds, which is within average reflex reaction time for humans. 

    The study is in the journal plus one.

    ---> The study is in the journal PLoS One.

    Of course given enough time even a politician's biggest supporter will accept that something he said isn't true.

    I want you to listen to me. I'm gonna say this again. I did not have sex with lacens without woman..(?)

    ---> [Audio clip of President Clinton saying: "I want you to listen to me, I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."]

    출처: 60-second Mind 팟캐스트


    + Fidel Castro

    쿠바의 정치가. 쿠바의 독재 정권인 바티스타 정권을 전복시키고 공산주의 이념 아래 49년간 (1959~2008) 통치.


    + Che Guevara

    아르헨티나에서 태어난 쿠바의 정치, 혁명가. 피델 카스트로, 라울 카스트로와 함께 쿠바 정권의 기초를 세웠으나 

    돌연 공직에서 물러나 라틴아메리카 전체의 혁명을 계획하던 중 볼리비아 정부군에게 총살당함. 

    + Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky

    42대 대통령인 클린턴 (1993~2001)은 백악관 인턴이던 르윈스키와의 섹스 스캔들 관련 위증이 문제가 되어 

    탄핵투표가 실시 (1998~1999)되었으나 부결됨. 

    네이버 지식백과를 참고함.

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