The science of laziness임시폴더/60초영어공부 2017. 10. 4. 02:59
It can feel good lounging around and doing nothing, sometimes too good.
Whether it's to avoid work or escape physical activity, we've had all those days. But why are some people way lazier than others?
Is there a couch potato gene that causes lazy behavior?
Evolution has
more thanmolded our brains than bodies to respond positively to natural reward such as food, sex and even exercise.Wait, exercise?
Yep, the pleasure we experience comes largerly from the dopamine system in our brain, which conveys these messages
through out ouraltimatelyultimately helping to ensure the survival our species.For many, the pleasure derived from exercise can become just as addictive as food and sex, but while we're all up for more food and sex, many struggle with the desire for physical activity even though it's essential part of human biology.
Scientists studying mice have found an interesting genetic connection.
After separating mice into two groups, those that chose to run on the wheel more often, and those that decided not to run as much, the differences was clear in their offspring.
After 10 generations, the running mice would run on the wheels 75% more often that the other group, and by 16 generations, they were running 7 miles a day, as opposed to the average 4 miles.
It seems their motivation for physical activity was genetic.
We all inherit genes from our parents that play a key role in the development of our brains, and these genes can make some literally crave activity.
In fact, the brains of the running mice that
havehad larger dopamine systems andreasons that theregions that deal with motivation and reward.They needed activity otherwise their brains
arewould react similar to atrug addictive loaded they coccain or negaty. drug addicted rodent when deprived of cocaine or nicotine.They were genetically addicted to running.
We also inherit genes responsible for our other traits from impulsivity to
procastinationprocrastination, to work ethic and straight up laziness.And it turns out our physical laziness may be linked to couch potato gene or rather mutation in the normal gene which regulates activity levels.
This gene is responsible for a type of dopamine
recepter.Without it, you're more likely to prefer sitting around and simply doing less than those who have the properly functioning gene.
So, the truth is your desire for activity may not be entirely up to you.
But many environment factors are also at play, which means you aren't doomed to a life of laziness.
Although making a change would be harder for some, knowledge is power.
So if you think you are genetically lazy, get off the couch, and fight your DNA. Your brain will reward you in the end.
Need some help to get there?
CheckoutCheck out our past video on the science of productivity, which might help you improve your motivation and fight that laziness.And if you'd like to learn more about the amazing science behind extraordinary
ethleticathletic performance, check out one of our favorite books, the sports gene by DavidAbstineEpstein, which was a major source for this episode.It's a great read and can get a copy of it using the link
ofin this description below.And subscribe for more weekly science videos.
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