
  • Sep 20, 2017
    임시폴더/60초영어공부 2017. 9. 21. 14:08

    도서관에서 하는 회화(?) 수업에 갈 때마다 느끼는 게 

    나에 대해 잘 말할 수 있어야 한다는 거다. 말할 컨텐츠가 있어야 한다는 것.

    그래서 나에 대해, 내가 경험한 것들에 대해 당분간 맞든 틀리든 괜찮든 구리든 일기처럼 써보려 한다.

    나의 현재 상황에 대하여

    Well, actually I'm not working and I'm not a student, as well. Now I'm considering what to do here in Canada. I worked about 3 years in my country, and I quitted it when I came to here London with my husband, about a month ago. I worked as a merchandiser at e-commerce platform, which has very similar concept with Amazon. I have several options; I can go into higher education like applying for ph.D, I can get a similar job with what I did in my country, or I can try to do something very new. When I worked as a merchandiser, I sometimes felt bad about encouraging people to consume or waste lots of things, which are not necessary to them. I hope I can do something that can contribute to society. 

    전공에 대해

    I majored in Fashion merchandising during my graduate years. When I was an undergraduate student, I had a chance to explore double majors, which were Business and Fashion. After finishing my study, I worked as a merchandiser at e-commerce company for about 3 years. I specialized in merchandising fashion goods. While I was working, I realized that I was good at it, but sometimes I felt bad about my job, because I didn't want to encourage people buy, consume and waste more and more. (또 가져다 써먹기^__^) Sometimes I think I should have studied something different.

    최근 있었던 일들에 대해

    - 아이비 박사 식사

    Last week, I went to a kind of barbecue party. One of the colleagues of my husband held the party at his house. All of us brought some dishes and shared them. I had a chance to talk to people from various countries and backgrounds. One was from Bangladesh, who worked at Samsung for a couple of years. Since he worked at Samsung, he visited in Korea several times. He knew quite a lot of things about my country and culture, but there was nothing I know about his country. I felt a little shame. 

    - 독서

    I've read the book 'The spider bites', which was written by Canadian writer Medora Sale. When I went to another class of this library, the teacher recommended to read some English books. And this book is one of them. It's a mystery novel, quite easy to read and interesting. To summarize the plot, there was a guy named Rick Montoya, who came back to the city after being accused of taking a bribe. When he came back to his house, he found a guy in his house. Before he figured out who he was, the house went up in flames. The story is about figuring out who was the dead guy, who did the arson, and why did it. After I read this book, I googled about this book and the writer, and I found something interesting. One reader of the book wrote a review. It said that the characters in the novel tried to reveal the case gathering, not sitting alone in the room, which is so Canadian. I found it interesting, because I haven't thought in that way while reading.

    - 재즈 콘서트

    - 올드 이스트 빌리지, 도어 오픈

    - 봉사

    - 포트스탠리

    Last week, I visited Port Stanley beach, which is a tourist village on the North shore of Lake Erie. The beach was not as big as Grand bend beach, but it was peaceful. Some people came with their family members, lying in the sun for sunbathing. To be honest, I prefer Grand Bend to Port Stanley, because I could feel more vibrant and lively atmosphere in Grand Bend. Also, there were lots of various kinds of shops near Grand Bend, so it was really convenient to have a meal near the beach.  

    - 소파사운드

