
  • Why online dating doesn't work
    임시폴더/60초영어공부 2013. 8. 23. 12:49

    Online dating might give you something, but it's probably not a soulmate. 

    ---> Online dating might give you something, but it's probably not a soul mate.

    Most sites rely on what's called an exclusive process.

    They using algorythm to find romantic matches based on variables from interests to fetishes.

    ---> they use an algorithm to find romantic matches based variables, from interests to fetishes.

    But now a team of psychologists from five universities has performed a systematic review. 

    and they say that most claims for the power of the exclusive process don't pan out.

    They were reported in the journal Psychological Science in the public interest.

    ---> Their report is in the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest.

    The existing matching algorithms missed key variables for long-term love.

    ---> The existing "matching algorithms" miss key variables for long-term love. 

    They necessarily make matches before the parties meet.

    But study showed that the strongest predictors of solid relationship are a couple's live interaction style and ability to handle stress.

    ---> But studies show that the strongest predictors of solid relationships are a couple’s live interaction style and ability to handle stress. 

    Data about characteristics like personality and attitudes can not accurately predict how that real live interaction will function.

    ---> Data about characteristics like personality and attitudes cannot accurately predict how that real life interaction will function.

    The scientists also noted that online profile photos are poor proxies for the chemistry spark by meeting in the flash. 

    ---> The scientists also note that online profile photos are poor proxies for the chemistry sparked by meeting in the flesh.

    Which leaves still a lot disappointing copy dates 

    --->  Which leads to a lot of disappointing coffee dates. 

    and many potential successful matches never happened.

    Of course, the researhers admit online dating help singles meet more people more quickly.

    ---> Of course the researchers admit online dating helps singles meet more people more quickly. 

    And so, might lead to that magic match, 

    ---> And so might still lead to that magic match.

    but that's statistics, not psychology.

    출처: 60-second Mind 팟캐스트


    + pan out: to develop in a particular way

    a solid relationship 견고한 관계

    meet in the flesh 실제로 만나다

